The ability to file for bankruptcy is an important resource for people unable to pay off their debts. Nevertheless, few people understand how bankruptcy really works. Here are our picks for the 5 most common bankruptcy myths. Only irresponsible people file for...
Until recently, there was a strong social stigma against filing for bankruptcy. People saw it as immoral and a way to cheat the system. Since then, attitudes have changed. Reforms to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and a decline in the stigma associated with bankruptcy have...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting shutdowns caused economic hardship for many people and businesses. For some, bankruptcy was the best way to escape crippling debt. Chapter 11 filings for businesses were up nearly 20% in 2020, with retailers and...
As many of us have come to realize, financial situations change quickly. After buying an item on credit, we may come on hard times and have trouble paying off the loan. If you’ve missed payments on a property you have as collateral, the lender could try to...
While there are several factors which impact your credit, filing for bankruptcy will likely have a negative impact on your credit for a long time. Of course, the severity of the impact will depend on your pre-bankruptcy credit, as well as your actions post-bankruptcy....