Nothing exposes flaws in a family’s foundation quite like the holiday season. Combine extended periods of time spent in close proximity with a few tussles over who’s in charge in the kitchen, mix in arguments over who didn’t pay enough for the joint gift, and season...
Anyone who dreams of becoming a parent should take the necessary steps to turn that dream into a reality. Adoption is a beautiful way to build a family. One of the options potential adoptive parents explore is Out of State Adoption. Out-of-state adoptions occur when a...
If you’re a hopeful adoptive parent wondering about the requirements to adopt a baby in Texas and want to make sure you are eligible, you’ve come to the right place. Many people think factors like their age, income, occupation, marital status, or sexual...
When a noncustodial parent misses a child support payment or isn’t paying child support entirely, they deprive their child of essential financial support. Without the assistance, the child’s quality of life and care can be significantly impaired. If your co-parent is...
Moving is inevitable. Families relocate across state lines every day, and usually, the last thing a spouse thinks about is how this move could impact a future divorce proceeding, however, this is something that you can— and should—consider before moving. No two...