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The Werner Law Group  Blog

Legal Reasons For Adult Adoption In Texas

Legal Reasons For Adult Adoption In Texas

Adoption is one of the simplest, noblest, and most caring acts in the world. If this is the idea, how then do we explain the adoption of an adult? Why would anyone adopt an adult? For starters, it is important to understand that the adoption of an adult requires the...

Five Things That Must Be In A Will

Five Things That Must Be In A Will

Every perishable item has an expiration date. Likewise, the human body cannot go against the forces of nature; death is inevitable. However, what makes a human different is the legacy he or she decides to leave behind for generations to come. Therefore, wills are so...

Twin’s Rights: EDUC 25.043 demystified

Twin’s Rights: EDUC 25.043 demystified

Parenting can be hectic! It can become even more so when you have twins. Parents should always be able to rely on help from the educational system. Parents of twins face a dilemma concerning their children and school. Should they be together in the same class or be...

Defending Victoria and All Surrounding Counties.

Victoria, Lavaca, Dewitt, Calhoun, Goliad, Refugio, and Jackson County